
The Rising Popularity of Bidets in the USA
Have you ever heard of a bidet? If you were born and raised in the United States, there is a good chance you haven’t. This is because, despite the enormous and long-lived popularity of this bathroom appliance in other developed countries, the bidet has only recently begun to catch on here in America.
Although we can’t be sure why Americans never made the bidet a part of their daily hygiene habits until now, there are quite a few theories floating around. One of the most popular—and most likely—theories is that the people of the US believed the French to be dirty and didn't want to adopt their "poor" hygiene habits. Since the French were likely the first to use bidets, Americans most certainly were not going to adopt this habit and become "unclean" themselves.
A bidet is a small shower specifically made for cleaning oneself after using the restroom. Sometimes these little showers come in the form of a separate wash basin which the user straddles. Other times, the bidet will be built into the toilet itself, making it much more user-friendly for anyone who may be hesitant to give it a try.
Bidets are the ideal way to ensure you are completely clean after using the restroom, and are considered necessary by many people in Europe, Asia, and South America. Folks who grew up using them would likely find our hiney-cleaning methods appalling, preferring the water jet cleaning they are accustomed to.
Though they are still fairly uncommon here in the States, the popularity of these handy cleaning devices is slowly growing, and the sight of a bidet in a US bathroom will likely become commonplace over the next several years. In the past few years, bidet sales have grown by double-digits each year, and bidets have even been mentioned on some of the more popular home-improvement television shows.
Here are some of the reasons why more and more Americans are adding bidets to their bathrooms.
Good for the Environment
Let’s face it, toilet paper is not exactly good for the environment. Approximately 27,000 trees are used for making toilet paper each and every day. This means fewer trees and thinner forests, and neither are good for our beautiful planet.
Instead of wasting all those beautiful trees on paper we will simply flush away, why not install a bidet? Sure, it uses a bit of water, but the amount of water used is relatively small and doesn’t even begin to make an impact as big as the one made by the production and disposal of toilet paper.
Better Personal Hygiene
Toilet paper doesn’t always clean very well, and often, we are left with skid marks and a smell that is less than pleasant. Why in the world wouldn’t you want to clean up with water after using the restroom? A modern bidet uses strong, well-aimed jets of warm water to leave you feeling fresh and clean. This makes them good for cleaning up after exercise as well.
Ideal for the Elderly or Disabled
Anyone who has ever had to ask for help cleaning themselves can tell you just how humiliating that is. However, many elderly and disabled people could be saved this embarrassment by having a bidet installed in their home. Because a bidet will leave a person feeling clean with the push of a button, it is the perfect solution for anyone who may have trouble twisting around to clean themselves.
Less Irritation
The skin on our undercarriage is some of the most sensitive skin on our bodies. Wiping this area with paper on a regular basis can cause some pretty bad irritation and leave us feeling raw or sore down below. A bidet can easily remedy this problem by providing you a way to clean yourself without all the rubbing. In fact, the warm stream of water could even go so far as to soothe any irritation you may have from past paper usage.
Fewer Infections
If you have a hard time with UTIs, a bidet might be just the solution for you. Often, toilet paper does nothing but spread infection-causing bacteria around and leave them to cause problems later. A bidet ensures your nether-regions are left clean, making your body less prone to urinary tract infections.
Money Savings
Installing a bidet seat is an inexpensive investment that is well worth the money spent. The amount of money you will save on toilet paper is astounding, and you may even see a savings on your water bill since you will not need to shower quite as often.
Additionally, you will save on plumbing costs, as your system will rarely become clogged. Because plumbing problems are typically expensive to fix, the savings in this area will be wonderful for your savings account.
Clearly, bidets have a lot of good points. To top it all off, they carry very few negatives, and many of the negative points the bidet used to carry have gone by the wayside with the new, improved bidet models on the market.
While many people will blame cost for their lack of bidet, this is no longer a valid excuse. Many of the bidet seats on the market today are very inexpensive. In fact, a decent bidet seat can now be purchased for less than $100. These seats often include special temperature and aiming controls—a special bonus for sure. Additionally, these seats can usually be installed quickly and easily by anyone who is at all handy with a set of tools, making them inexpensive to install as well.
Those without a bidet in their home have a hard time believing it could possibly be effective or comfortable. These people should definitely give a bidet a try. They may just be pleasantly surprised with the cleanliness and comfort offered by a bidet.
If you have ever considered installing a bidet in your home, we hope this article has helped sway your decision. Bidets are the ideal way to keep yourself clean and fresh throughout the day, and may even become the future of American bathroom habits in just a few short years. Why not get ahead of the game and enjoy all the benefits of owning a bidet by installing one in your bathroom now?
- Kevin Thill

Upcycling and Cloth Diapering
Many people use cloth diapers in order to help the environment as much as possible. Others use them to save money. Both are absolutely valid reasons to cloth diaper your child, and cloth diapers can accomplish both of these goals.
In fact, you can use your cloth diapering decision to accomplish both of these goals twice over. Because reusing old things for a new purpose—also known as "upcycling"—keeps old items out of the landfills and prevents the need to purchase certain items, combining cloth diapering with upcycling, can help save you a few extra bucks and keep our world a tiny bit greener.
You may be wondering how in the world you could possibly combine these two seemingly different habits in a way that makes any sense at all. Although it may sound ridiculous, you can, in fact, upcycle while cloth diapering fairly easily. Here are a few ways you can combine the two.
T-Shirt Diapers
Did you know any adult-sized t-shirt can be folded into a diaper? This is a great skill to have in case you’re ever in a pinch, and is also the ideal way to reuse those old, worn-out t-shirts you aren’t sure what to do with.
Begin by laying the shirt out flat. Grasp both layers of the body of the shirt about one third of the way from the left-hand side. Pull this section of the shirt all the way to the right-hand side, but leave the sleeves out.
This will leave you with a “t” shape with the body of the shirt folded in thirds, and the sleeves still sticking out of the sides. Fold the top of the shirt down toward the middle so the sleeves are folded in half, hamburger-style. Fold the bottom of the shirt up toward the center. Place baby on the shirt and pull the center up between their legs. Fold each sleeve around the baby’s middle and pin it in place on the front of the diaper.
This leaves you with a simple and fairly absorbent diaper that is perfect for baby to wear around the house. If you need to head out, simply add a cover for leak protection.
Receiving Blanket Flats
Flat diapers are versatile, quick-drying, easy to wash, and affordable. Even better, almost anything can be used as a flat diaper. This means that you can create your own diaper stash using only items you already have around the house.
One of the very best flat diapers out there is a flannel receiving blanket. These are soft, absorbent, and they dry without any issues. Most parents have a collection of receiving blankets from when their child was born, and will likely never use all of them for swaddling. Cloth diapering is the perfect way to make sure you get use out of each and every one.
If you don’t already have receiving blankets around the house, try hitting up some garage sales. These common blankets can almost always be found for 10¢–25¢, making them one of the cheapest cloth diaper options available.
Other items that work well as flat diapers include the body of a big t-shirt, old flour sack towels (which are like tea towels, only larger), and old flannel sheets.
Stained Towel Inserts
If you have an over-abundance of stained towels, this could be the option for you. Because towels are made to be absorbent, they are the perfect cloth diaper insert replacement. Simply cut the towel into insert-sized pieces and using a serger or zig-zag stitch, sew two layers of the terry cloth together.
After making your terry cloth inserts, try using them in a pocket diaper, or for extra absorbency, layer them between a flat diaper (or prefold) and a cover.
Give Old Sweaters New Life
Sweaters that have been outgrown, stained, worn out, or even shrunk in the wash still have some use left in them. This seemingly useless winter wear is the ideal base material for a wool diaper cover.
There are many tutorials online for sewing wool covers from old sweaters. To find them, simply do a search; you are sure to find several.
If you’d rather skip the sewing, you can use very small sweaters as no-sew covers. Simply wrap the sweater around baby the same way you would the t-shirt diaper above. While this does work in a pinch, it isn’t the best option, and sewn covers do a much better job.
Upcycle Flats and Prefolds
Finished with your diapers and wondering what to do with them? Old flats and prefolds—and even some inserts—make great cleaning rags. Make sure to wash them well with bleach and detergent. After being run through the wash, they will be ready and waiting to be used as dish cloths, car cleaning rags, makeshift mops, dusting tools, and more.
Reuse PUL Diaper Covers
Many parents have a hard time figuring out what to do with cracked or peeling PUL covers. Passing them on to the next parent would be a bit cruel, considering the leaks they would likely have to deal with. What, then, is a mom or dad to do?
There are a few ways you can use old PUL covers before just tossing them:
Swim Diapers — While delaminated covers aren’t going to be great at holding in liquids, they can still hold solids. That is all they need to do to qualify for swim diaper status. So next time you have a peeling cover, toss it into the swim bag!
Disposable Covers — For those parents who use a combination of disposable diapers and cloth, peeling PUL covers can be great for putting over the ‘sposie to hold in any messes that may escape the leg gussets.
Doll Diapers — Baby dolls need diapers too! If your little one enjoys playing with dolls, hand the useless covers over to them. They are sure to appreciate them even if they don’t hold in leaks.
Hopefully this article inspired you to think outside the box when it comes to diapering your baby, and you’ll think twice next time you are about to throw out an old article of clothing. After all, almost anything made of cloth can be used as a diaper.
By using these tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle, you can easily make your cloth diapering decision have an even bigger positive impact on our environment while keeping your wallet even more padded. Honestly, you may even be able to build up a stash for next to no investment, something many parents would be eternally grateful for.
- Kevin Thill

The Art of Folding Flat Diapers
Many people find flat diapers intimidating and wonder why anyone would bother with so much folding when there are pocket diapers that remove almost every bit of the work involved in putting a cloth diaper on a baby. The truth of the matter is, there are many reasons a person might choose to use flat diapers over other options.
These reasons could include ease of washing, shorter drying times, versatility, and cost, among many others.
In any case, diapering with flats does not have to be an intimidating experience. As long as you approach the subject with an open mind, you might find you can even have a little fun folding diapers for your baby. Additionally, the ability to fold your child’s diaper just the way he or she needs in order for it to be as effective as possible is an amazing skill to have, and can often save you the time and energy spent cleaning up after diaper leakage.
There are many, many ways to fold a flat diaper. In this article, we will cover just a few of those methods in order to give you a strong foundation and starting point. After you have mastered these folds, try doing an internet search, chatting with some local parents, or taking a cloth diapering class to learn new techniques.
Once you find some folds you like, feel free to tweak them to suit your baby’s needs. That is, after all, the point of learning different folding methods.
Method 1: The Pad Fold
This method is simple and straightforward. It doesn’t give you extra absorbency in any particular area, but it does get the job done, and when you’re in a hurry, that is really all that matters.
To begin, lay your diaper—or diapers, if you plan to double the absorbency—out flat. Fold the diaper in half once, hot-dog style, and again hamburger style. This should leave you with a smaller square. Finish it by folding one lengthwise third of the small square into the middle. Repeat with the third on the opposite side. This should leave you with a rectangle that is a third of the size of the small square, which is a very nice size and shape for covering a baby’s bottom.
Use the folded diaper in a cover or as an insert in a pocket diaper. This is the ideal fold for busy moms and dads who don't have the time or energy to get fancy with folds and pins, and the perfect substitute for a pocket diaper insert if you should ever run out.
Method 2: The Triangle Fold
Another ridiculously easy way to fold a flat diaper, the triangle fold can be done with two, three, or even more flats to increase absorbency. Because it is fastened with a pin, it can stand on its own, without a cover, as long as you won’t be going out—an awesome bonus for parents who don’t have many covers in their stash.
To begin, lay your diaper out flat — if you will be using more than one diaper, layer all of the diapers you intend to use and fold them as one — and fold up the longer side to create a square. (Some diapers are already square, and in this case you can skip this step.) Next, take one corner of your square and fold it across to meet the opposite corner. This should make a triangle shape and is the final step in folding your diaper.
To use the diaper, turn it around so the middle point of your triangle—the place where the two sides of the diaper meet up—is pointing toward you. Roll the top down to fit across your child’s back, and place the infant on the diaper. Pull the middle triangle point up between the child’s legs, pull the side points around, and pin or Snappi the diaper into place. You can add a cover if you like, but with enough layers, you can get away with the diaper only if you will just be hanging out at home.
This is a perfect fold for beginners who have mastered the pad fold and are ready to brave the diaper pin or Snappi. It’s also great for parents in a hurry, especially if they don’t have a cover to use.
Method 3: The Kite Fold
Just as the name suggests, this fold does look—for a moment, anyway—like a kite. However, it does not fly nearly as well as a kite might, and instead has a nice talent for covering baby bums. This is a classic fold that is a bit more difficult, but also more effective, than the triangle fold.
To begin, lay your diaper out flat and fold up the longer side (if there is one) to make a perfect square. Take one corner of your square and fold it in, bringing the side under that corner along with it and lining that side up with the middle of the diaper. Repeat on the opposite side. This should leave you with a kite shape.
Next, you will want to fold the top point of your “kite” down so that the top of the folded diaper is now straight across and you are left with an upside down triangle shape. Take the long point of your triangle and fold it in toward the middle of the diaper. This will leave you with a trapezoid (one long side, two sides angling inward, and a short side). Depending on your baby’s size you may want to roll the long side in to fit across their back properly.
Use the folded diaper by placing baby on top of the trapezoid with the widest side of the diaper across the child’s back. Pull the small part of the trapezoid up between the baby’s legs and pull the sides around to meet the middle section. Fasten with a pin or Snappi and top with a cover if you desire.
This fold is a good one for a baby who has frequent blow-outs, and might even save that adorable new outfit you just bought. To help make this fold even more reliable, you can roll the sides of the diaper—i.e. the leg holes—in, to create barriers where things could escape.
These are just three of the many diaper folding methods out there. Don’t forget to explore other methods and experiment to find what works best for your child. Keep in mind, your baby’s diaper needs may change over time, and it’s important to change your folding techniques based on the needs of your little
- Kevin Thill

Caring for Cloth Diapers While Traveling
Going on a vacation is a fun part of life. Getting out and seeing the world is a great way to bond with your family and make some fabulous memories. Because travel is such an exciting thing to do, letting something like diapering your baby get in the way seems silly.While many people may decide to switch to disposable diapers “just for the trip”, this is not always the best idea. Disposable diapers are not great for a child’s sensitive skin, and sitting in a car or airplane while wearing a disposable diaper could easily cause breakouts, especially on a child who isn't used to wearing these types of diapers. Additionally, disposable diapers are not at all good for the environment, nor are they easy on your wallet.
Knowing these things, you may be left wondering what to do. Whether you are planning a camping trip or a family vacation to Disney World, the idea of using and caring for cloth diapers while traveling can feel daunting. While this is an understandable feeling, there are things you can do to make the care of your diapers travel-friendly so you can go wherever you like and continue using your favorite diapers the entire time.
Consider Using Disposable Inserts
If you typically use a hybrid diaper such as G-Diapers, the Flip System, or Grovia, you obviously have the option of using disposable inserts. These make travel easy, as the insert can simply be thrown out after use, leaving you with only a cover to clean.
Even if you don’t use a hybrid system, you can still use disposable inserts from one of these companies and place them in a regular PUL cover. Additionally, If you usually use pocket diapers, the disposable inserts can be placed outside of the pocket to catch any messes baby makes.
While disposable inserts aren’t a good solution for the long term due to cost, they are a good solution for while you are on the road. They are biodegradable, flushable, compostable, and all-natural, which means they are easier on the environment and your baby’s bottom than most disposable options.
However, there are some reasons you may choose not to use disposable inserts, even when traveling. These include 1) cost, and 2) the fact that although they are better than disposable diapers, they still aren’t the greenest option out there. If these factors have you feeling hesitant to switch to disposable liners for your trip, you should keep reading.
Use Liners
One of the best ways to make cloth diapering on the road simpler is to use diaper liners. While these will not always catch 100% of your baby’s messes, they will catch the majority of them, and can make dumping solid waste into the toilet a much easier task. Since you can’t take a diaper sprayer on the road, and will likely be doing a lot of diaper changes in public restrooms, you will want to do whatever you can to make the process of solid waste dumping go as smoothly as possible.
There are several types of diaper liners out there. While the cloth versions are great for protecting your diapers from diaper creams, they will not be very helpful when you are traveling. Instead, you will want to purchase some flushable diaper liners. These are made by such companies as Charlie Banana, GroVia, and OsoCozy.
Store Your Diapers and Keep Smells at Bay
Obviously, you will need somewhere to put your used diapers. While you may be used to tossing them in a diaper pail at home, you won’t have that option while you are traveling. For this reason, you want to be sure to bring along a good wet bag or two to hold onto wet and soiled diapers.
When choosing which wet bag to bring along, check to make sure it has a working zipper. You may also want to test the bag to be sure it traps odors nicely and doesn’t leak.
Because no wet bag can hold in the stinky smells entirely, bringing along some pail/wet bag deodorizer or some baking soda is never a bad idea. Another way to kill bad smells is to put a few drops of tea tree oil on a wipe and toss it in the bag.
Hand Wash
If you will be gone for more than 3 or 4 days, you will need to wash your diapers while you are away. Unfortunately, not all hotels and campgrounds have washers, and even if yours does, you should probably skip it. This is because commercial-grade washing machines are especially hard on your laundry, including your diapers.
This leaves you with only one option: hand washing your baby’s dirty diapers. This really isn’t as bad as it sounds, and can be done in the hotel sink or bathtub or in a bucket. Just make sure to bring along some cloth diaper-safe detergent, and rinse each diaper out really well. Finish the process by wringing out as much water as possible from every diaper. This will decrease drying time.
Hang to Dry
Of course, you will need to hang your diapers up somewhere to dry. Since your lodging probably does not have a clothesline, and likely won’t appreciate you putting one up, you will need to get creative when finding a place to hang your diapers up.
If you only have a few diapers, they can be hung on the shower curtain rod in your hotel bathroom. If you need a place to hang more than three or four diapers, or if you don’t have a curtain rod to work with, you may want to pack a tension rod to hang in the shower—if there is one—for diaper-drying purposes. Another option is to pack a collapsible clothes-drying rack. These can be purchased at box stores like Target, and some fold up quite small for easy travel.
Whichever option you choose, be sure to give your diapers extra time to dry if you are stuck hanging them indoors. Turn on fans to keep air moving if possible, this will help your diapers dry more quickly.
Opt for Quick-Drying Inserts
Rather than packing your very best all-in-one diapers or your nice hemp inserts, opt for quick-drying microfiber inserts, or better yet, traditional flat diapers. These will dry faster, which will be a major bonus when you are trying to dry your diapers in the hotel bathroom, or when you run out of diapers since you couldn’t pack your entire stash.
As you can see, with a little preparation, using and caring for your cloth diapers while traveling can be just as easy as it is at home. So go ahead, plan that road trip adventure, and pack your favorite diapers while you’re at it!
- Kevin Thill

What You Need to Know About Diaper Inserts
Pocket diapers are one of the most convenient cloth diapering options on the market. The waterproof outer shell and leg gussets keep everything contained, and the absorbent inserts stay put in the diaper’s handy, built-in pocket and wick moisture away from baby’s skin.
Because parents have the option to add extra inserts in order to increase inserts, they are able to adjust these diapers to their baby’s needs. As an added bonus, there are several different kinds of inserts available, making pocket diapers even more customizable.
If you are thinking about stocking up on pocket diapers, knowledge of the various kinds of insert options will be extremely helpful in allowing you to make informed diapering decisions. For this reason, we have taken the time to compile a list of the most popular insert options, and the pros and cons of each.
By the end of this article, you’ll be a cloth diaper insert expert, and able to make informed diapering decisions for your child.
— Microfiber —
Microfiber inserts are the most common type of insert out there. These are usually the type of inserts you find included with your pocket diapers. While some people love microfiber inserts, others hate them and go out of their way to replace included microfibers with another option.
Microfiber is a man-made fabric with some pretty good absorbing abilities. These inserts soak up a lot of liquid quickly, making them great for those babies who wet their diapers quickly and all at once.
Unfortunately, microfiber inserts do have some downfalls. They tend to have problems with compression leaks, as they work much like a sponge and will release liquid whenever they are pressed on. They can also develop detergent and urine build-up that will start to smell bad over time. In addition to these two cons, microfiber cannot be used directly against a baby’s skin as it can cause dry skin and break-outs.
Pros: quick absorbency; fast drying; inexpensive
Cons: compression leaks; build-up smells; can’t be used on skin
— Cotton —
The oldest diapering option (not to mention one of the most common natural fibers used to make fabrics), cotton is a solid choice for diaper inserts. Some parents who prefer cotton will go out of their way to purchase cotton pieces specifically for using as inserts. However, any piece of cotton can be used in a pocket diaper, including prefolds, flats, and flour sack towels.
Cotton is convenient because it's inexpensive and almost always readily available. It's also quick drying and soft on baby’s bottom. Cotton is a fine insert for a light to average wetter who needs a soft and breathable diaper.
With all of that said, there are a few things that are less than stellar about cotton. For one thing, it can be pretty bulky, making for a large diaper that is hard to fit clothing over. Cotton inserts are not the most absorbent either, which can lead to leaks if diapers aren’t switched out often enough.
Pros: easy to find; inexpensive; soft; quick drying
Cons: bulky; not the most absorbent
— Hemp —
Inserts made of hemp are a favorite of many cloth diapering moms and dads. These inserts are made using a combination of hemp (for absorbency) and cotton (for a softer fabric). They do their job quite nicely, and this particular combination of materials seems to add to their functionality.
Hemp is perfect for the heaviest wetters, because it can hold a lot of liquid. Not only does it absorb a lot, it holds onto everything it absorbs, so compression leaks are not a problem when using hemp inserts.
However, hemp does have a longer drying time than microfiber or cotton. It has also been known to develop a case of the stinkies over time, and it is more expensive than either cotton or microfiber.
Pros: extremely absorbent; holds onto liquid
Cons: slow to soak up liquid; slow to dry; build-up smells; expensive
— Bamboo —
On the pricier end of the diaper insert spectrum, you’ll find bamboo inserts. A lot of parents swear by bamboo, especially those who have had issues with microfiber and cotton inserts.
Because bamboo is incredibly thirsty and holds onto any moisture it absorbs, it is another good option for heavy wetters. It does not tend to have issues with build-up or bad smells, which is a big bonus for anyone dealing with hard water issues.
However, bamboo is notorious for being slow to soak up liquids, which can lead to leaking if a child urinates a lot in a short period of time. This can also cause issues with rashes, as the child will be sitting in a very wet diaper until all of the liquid can be absorbed. On top of this, bamboo, as stated before, is more expensive than some of the other options.
Pros: extremely absorbent; holds onto liquid
Cons: slow to soak up liquid; slow to dry; expensive
— Minky —
Fairly recently, one well-known diaper company released a new "minky" insert. Some people claim that these new inserts are more absorbent than microfiber, others claim exactly the opposite.
Minky inserts are a great option if you like microfiber, but would like a thinner insert. These inserts are softer to the touch than microfiber, and the cost is similar to the cost of microfiber. They are also quick to dry.
Minky inserts are only available from one diaper retailer, making them more difficult to come by than other types of inserts.
Pros: quick absorbency; fast drying; inexpensive; soft
Cons: compression leaks; build-up smells; more difficult to find
— Zorb —
Zorb is the one of the newest insert options out there. This fabric was made specifically for diapering, and is an excellent option overall. If you are having issues with the absorbency of diapers, you need to try Zorb.
Zorb can hold up to 10x its weight, and absorbs it more quickly than any other fabric on the market. It is truly the ultimate insert fabric, and since it’s so absorbent, fewer layers are required in any given diaper, leading to a trimmer fit. To make a good thing even better, Zorb dries quickly, so line-drying is not an issue.
Unfortunately, finding inserts made with this miracle fabric is a difficult task. Etsy tends to be the best place to look.
Pros: inexpensive; quick drying; incredibly absorbent
Cons: difficult to find
— Conclusion —
With so many inserts to choose from, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. If this is the case, it may be a good idea to order a few of each option and try them out to see what works for you and your family.
Some parents like to double up their inserts. One popular insert combination is microfiber or minky on top (for quick absorbency) and bamboo or hemp on bottom (for better, longer lasting absorbency). This combination of inserts seems to work well for a lot of babies, making it a good thing to try out on your little one.
- Kevin Thill

Why You Should Own a Diaper Sprayer
If you are just beginning your cloth diapering journey, you may be wondering which products you will actually use, and which ones will sit in a closet, unopened, right up until potty training. The answer to this question will vary from user to user, and sometimes even depends on the type of diapers you will be using.
For instance, an accessory like a Snappi would never be used by someone exclusively using pocket diapers. On the other hand, those with a large home may consider a diaper pail a necessity. Meanwhile, a person with a smaller home and a regular wash routine may prefer a wet bag instead. While many of the cloth diapering items out there are only niceties, there are some that are not required but certainly can make life easier.
One of the cloth diapering accessories on the market today that's sure to improve your experience is one that many cloth diapering parents try to go without. This item, a diaper sprayer, is easily one of the best investments you can make when getting started with cloth diapers.
Here are a few reasons why you will want to seriously consider purchasing one of these wonderful contraptions for your home.
Ease of Installation
One thing about diaper sprayers that often scares potential buyers away is the installation. The idea of taking anything in the bathroom apart—much less a toilet, of all things—in order to add a new piece can seem intimidating. In reality however, sprayer installation is so simple that almost anyone can quickly and easily install one.
Still aren’t convinced? Try watching diaper sprayer installation videos online in order to become more comfortable with the process. You will quickly see just how straightforward it really is, and will likely be able to put your sprayer in all by yourself.
Unlike a designated diaper scraper that will most certainly go missing, a sprayer is attached to the toilet, and therefore always within reach when you need it most. The diaper sprayer will never go missing under the couch or in the toy box, and you will never need to set a dirty diaper on the bathroom counter to go search for it.
Ease of Use
The ability to quickly hose any yucky solids out of a diaper is truly magical. Even those solids that are thoroughly stuck on after a day away from home can be rinsed away by the stream of water put out by a sprayer. While a scraper would get the job done, it would not be nearly as fast or thorough, and even worse, would require its own rinsing when all was said and done.
Furthermore, if diaper liners are your only means of getting solids off your diaper and into the toilet, you are in for a disappointment. Diaper liners absolutely help with this job, but often these liners fail to catch everything, leaving poo behind in the diaper. Additionally, if you forget to put a diaper liner in your baby’s diaper and you don’t have a secondary means of removing the solids, well, you’re up poop creek.
Clearly, a diaper sprayer is the easiest way to ensure all of the waste is removed from each and every diaper before putting it in the wash.
As an added bonus, this ease of use means you have a far better chance of convincing those hesitant grandparents to give it a try.
More Sanitary
Let’s face it, anything you must use to remove poop from another object just isn’t sanitary. If you are using a diaper scraper, you are left with a dirty object that you must attempt to store in a sanitary way. Even if you do manage to find a place to store the scraper, there is always the chance that baby, an older child, or a pet will find it, and frankly, playing with a poo stick just doesn’t seem healthy.
Alternatively, those who invest in a diaper sprayer never have to touch solid waste with another object. The diaper is simply cleaned off with a strong jet of water which is then sent down the toilet. No nasty cleanup, no storage issues, and no fear of a scraper spreading germs throughout the house.
Good for Your Wash and Your Washer
When your baby is tiny and still exclusively breastfed you don’t have to worry about scraping or spraying diapers. The diapers can simply be thrown in the clothes washing machine, poop and all, with no fear of unclean diapers or a clogged washer.
On the other hand, once your little one begins eating solids, cleaning all solid waste out of each and every diaper is essential for ensuring clean diapers and a working washing machine. Skipping the scraping or spraying step will most certainly cause a case of smelly, stained diapers, and eventually, a clogged washing machine. Not to mention the smell you will be dealing with in the wet bag or diaper pail.
Because a diaper sprayer is better able to do a thorough job of cleaning solids from your diapers, it is the superior choice when it comes to keeping your diapers as clean as possible and keeping your washer in good shape.
Additionally, a diaper sprayer can be used to rinse urine from wet diapers. While this is not a necessary step in caring for your cloth diapers, it can be good one to take if you are battling with stinky diapers or bad bottom rashes.
These are just some of the reasons a diaper sprayer should be purchased and used by cloth diapering parents everywhere. As you use your sprayer, you are sure to come across many more reasons to continue using it throughout your diapering years.
- Kevin Thill